Pollinator Information
Linn County Master Gardeners are known throughout Oregon for their work with the Blue Orchard Mason Bee. We support all pollinators in our knowledge sharing and gardening efforts as well as current focus on managed native species: Blue Orchard Mason Bees, Leaf Cutter Bees and Cane Berry Bees.
Solitary Bees Tips & Calendars
Managed native bees are those that we can support in their life cycles. In addition to ensuring they have food (pollen, nectar, etc.), we can provide nesting materials, water, and shelter for their nests. If you're looking for more information for supporting your native bees , these calendars and tip sheets can help:
Native Plants for Pollinators
Planning updates to your garden to support pollinators? This reference guide outlines choosing plants and groupings for all season support. It also contains a long list of helpful reference sites for additional information and guidance no matter what planning stage you are in.​​