Dr. Gail Langellotto, OSU Professor, Director Garden Ecology Lab
Dr. Gail Langellotto is a Professor of Horticulture at Oregon State University, where she also leads the OSU Garden Ecology Lab. An entomologist by training, Gail is focused on developing a better understanding of how to design and manage gardens and parks with urban/suburban landscapes to maximize ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and human health and well-being. She is particularly interested in documenting garden biodiversity, including plants, insects, soil arthropods, and microbes.
Garden Ecology Lab Project Update
Dr. Langellotto will give a quick update on the research projects in progress at the Garden Ecology Lab this year. The Garden Ecology Lab group engages in a diversity of scientific research projects that are focused on informing sustainable gardening and landscaping practices. Since 2016, the Garden Ecology Lab at Oregon State University has studied local gardens, as well as the gardeners who tend these unique spaces. What native plants attract the most bees and beneficial natural enemies? Do native cultivars retain the same benefits to wildlife as their native progenitors? Get an update on these questions and others, and hear what is planned to study next!