Nina Miller, OSU Garden Ecology Lab Fellow
Nina is a Master's student fellow pursuing a degree in Horticulture and Entomology at Oregon State University. Having received her B.S. in Botany and Entomology, Nina has been honored to merge her two fascinations of plants and insects into a research project with the Garden Ecology Lab, led by Dr. Gail Langellotto. Under Dr. Langellotto's advisement, Nina has received a fellowship award from the Garden Ecology Lab to pursue her degree and research, presented at the 2024 Dipterist Society meeting, and have been included as a co-author in two papers that will be published within the next year.
The Hover Fly: Predaceous Pollinator?
Nina has been collecting local syrphid flies (aka Hover Flies) and working on their identification. This is a critical area where we lack much basic information about these flies. Nina will speak about their natural history and functional importance as pollinators and biological control agents.